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Logo da empresa Lift Lander

Modern and Safe Elevator Solutions!

The service at Lift Lander Elevadores is always personalized! 

Take the time to find information about:

- Serious elevator maintenance company that respects you

- Maintenance of elevators

- Purchase of elevators

- Price of elevators

- Sales of elevators

We have service channels on the internet, by telephone, social networks or by scheduling an on-site consultation with our specialists.

Remember if! Staying informed saves you expenses and preserves you!





respect for you

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A Norma para elevadores mudou?

Os novos padrões NBR16858 foram criados para melhorar a segurança e eficiência dos elevadores, garantindo sua operação confiável e prevenindo acidentes.

Os novos padrões serão aplicados a partir de 20 de Abril de 2024!

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